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The Main Merchant Groups in Sino - Russia Border Trade in Qing Dynasty
( 1.InstituteofInternationalTrade,ShanxiUniversityofFinance,Taiyuan030006,China; 2.InstituteofShanxiMerchantStudies,ShanxiUniversityofFinance,Taiyuan030006,China)
Abstract: Through the collection,collation and research of a large amount of historical data,the article thinks that the Kyakhta、the Northeast 、the Xinjiang is the three major markets in Sino - Russia border trade in the Qing Dy- nasty. In three major markets ,there are many northern provinces of mainland China Merchants,especially Shanxi Merchants. In the Kyakhta market,Merchants is mainly from Shanxi and Russia; The Xinjiang market,the mer- chants engagded in the trade between China and Russia is mainly based on the Russian merchant,and the second is the natives of Xinjiang ,Shanxi merchant and the Tianjin merchant again; In the Northeast market ,most of mer- chants is from Shanxi and Shandong. Shanxi merchants in the sino - russian border trade plays an inestimable role. Key words: the Qing Dynasty; Sino Russia border; merchant groups ; shanxi businessmen