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市场中的乡籍网络: 异地商会的兴起要因分析


由团体代言,以此来争取有利的经营环境和共同利益。 政府、工商联或者其他市场主体在与异地商会交涉时, 也多会考量其集体行动的意向。商人也可以借助于异 地商会组织,与家乡地保持日常性的联系,从家乡获得 必要的政策支持。异地商会在成立之时多抱有为会员 服务之宗旨,不过是否能够在实践中得到落实,在组织 成立之后是否能够一直保有组织的凝聚力,不同商会 之表现并不相同。异地商会的排他性及其内在治理结 构的不完善,也有可能使其职能运作的方向发生偏差, 仅为少数主干会员服务,或加剧行业市场的地方分立, 异地商会的组织体系也面临着乡籍分割的风险。因 此,在探索现有模式的基础之上,如能积极推动《商会 法》及《行业协会法》的制定与颁行,并在其中明确界定

异地商会的组织性质、职能范围及其与政府、工商联、 行业协会的关系,必将有助于促进异地商会的法治化、 市场化、规范化发展。

[参 考 文 献]

[1]异地温州商会总数达 252 家[N]. 温州商报,2014 - 05 - 31.

[2]上海市湖南商会成立[N]. 湖南日报,2007 - 05 - 29.

[3]首届楚商论坛在汉召开 鄂商从此改称“楚商”[N]. 楚天都 市报,2010 - 12 - 06.

[4]鄂商已成楚商,湖北简称鄂或改楚引发民间争议[N]. 中国 经营报,2011 - 10 - 30.

[5]楚商联合会在汉成立[N]. 长江商报,2013 - 11 - 05.

[6]上海市江西商会在沪成立[N]. 江西日报,2005 - 11 - 20.

〔魏文享( 1974—) ,男,湖北省安陆市人,华中师范大学中国近代史研究所教授、中国商会发展协同创新中心研究员、


The Past and Present of Chamber of Commerce ( topic for a special discussion)

Chairman: ZHU Ying

Chairman’s words: In 1904,the system of chamber of commerce was established,and now it is 111 years since its birth. Chamber of commerce changes with the changes of social conditions and state forms. After more than 100 years,chamber of commerce still prospers with the reform and opening up to the outside world today. This group of papers focus on the history of chamber of commerce as well as its present function. Zhu Ying and Xia Ju - fu think that chamber of commerce may help businessman reduce taxes. Zhang Xue - jun and Sun Bing - fang think that Hebei's businessmen set up modern industrial education,which reflect their so- cial duties. Wei Wen - xiang thinks that the rising of chamber of commerce in the other provinces is promoted by governments and businessmen. The cultural tradition and historical resources should be consciously sought for.

Key Words: chamber of commerce; history; the present form; Guangzhou's chamber of commerce; Hebei's chamber of commerce; chamber of commerce in other provinces

[责任编辑、校对: 把增强]

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